It is not porn. Many ladies be suffering silently because they shy off from exposing issues with their privacy or they don't have someone to tell.Some rush to OTC drugs with improper diagnosis. Lets unmask it and save that girl child from health complications that could be otherwise avoided with confidence!. Let's face it—there's a lot that can go wrong . From itches and odors to bumps and bleeding, sometimes it seems like you need a manual. Here are some of the signs that something is wrong down there...Vaginal health issues are more common than you think. Infections can occur in the vagina and/or the vulva. There’s really NO reason to feel self-conscious or embarrassed about this issue. A healthy vagina is the result of good hygiene and maintenance of the normal pH balance in the area.Women of all ages can be affected by vaginal infections or vaginal diseases. These can include yeast and/or bacterial infections.Normally, the vagina houses good and bad bacteria. The former is responsible for maintaining an acidic environment that deters the growth of the latter. When the normal vaginal pH balance is disturbed, infections a multiply.Other factors responsible for vaginal irritation and infections include hormonal imbalance, misuse of antibiotics, use of external irritants, and of course, poor hygiene. Certain infections can be transmitted sexually by infected sexual partners.Mentioned ahead are a few common vaginal issues that women experience and what
you can do about them.

a woman feeling vaginal discomfort


1.0 You Noticed a Weird Bump

Who wouldn't freak out after seeing a lump or mark on their privates? This could be so many things, but it's likely not serious. It could be anything from an ingrown hair to a sebaceous cyst (a lesion under the skin). Warm soaks are a good first line of defense, but you can also apply a little over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream if it seems inflamed. If it persists or hurts, check with your doctor as it may be a sign of an infection.

2.0 There's a Funky Smell

If there's an odor coming from your bikini line, trust us, you'll know something is up.! Oops! who would tolerate an arwful smell coming from your underwear. The problem is, this smell could have a ton of possible causes, but you'll want to see your doctor no matter what. If it's a foul-smelling discharge, it could be a bacterial infection like bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis. In that case, you may need antibiotics to treat it.

                                 Another common culprit when it comes to odor is a forgotten tampon or a stuck condom. Yes, it's more common than you think, and your nose will definitely notice it. Don't worry, your doctor can help fish it out.

3.0 You're Bleeding, and It's Not Your Period

If you're randomly spotting, it could just be a hormonal imbalance from a missed birth control pill, though persistent spotting is something to bring up with your doctor as it may be a sign of infection, pregnancy, or a polyp on your cervix. If the bleeding happens after sex or comes with a discharge, it could be an STD so you'll want your doctor to test for gonorrhea and chlamydia.

                  Of course, sometimes if it was just one time after particularly rough sex, it's probably nothing to worry about. though you need some medical checkups to reduce possible infection to open bruises

4.0 You're Itchy

Feel like there are ants in your pants? A recurrent itch, particularly with discharge, could be a sign of a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis. But if you've tried treating all that and still can't get rid of the itch, it could be a simple skin reaction to something like your soap, a feminine wash, or even your detergent. DO NOT wash vagina with soaps.

5.0 You've Got a Weird Discharge

As you can probably guess by now, an unusual discharge can accompany tons of different issues. But don't panic if this is a monthly thing; "Most women have a physiological baseline discharge that's supposed to be there. But if you notice a change in color, consistency, or odor, bring it up with your doctor. Discharges are sometimes normal because its one of the ways a vagina cleans itself. but its un usualness, should raise an eyebrow to your reproductive health.


6.0 It Hurts to Pee or Have Sex

Vaginal or vulva pain could be a sign of infection or STD, so you'll want to check with your doctor if the feeling persists for more than a day or two. If the pain just happened once or twice after sex, it may have been from dryness—grab some lube and see if it makes a difference. some ladies are allergic to condoms due to friction on their vaginal walls. this makes them have pain and other discomfort. make sure you are ' wet' before having sex. if you experience pain while peeing, consider seeing a doctor for UTI tests.


7.0 You're So Dry

Vaginal dryness may seem like something only older women experience, but it doesn't discriminate as much as you think. In fact, dryness can creep up after pregnancy or if you're taking certain medications like antihistamines or antidepressants. If you're feeling dryer than the Sahara desert, try an over-the-counter lubricant or see your doctor if that doesn't help.

8.0 You Feel a Deep Pain

Deeper vaginal pain, especially during sex, could be a sign of endometriosis or an ovarian cyst. Your doctor may perform a pelvic exam or ultrasound to look for the cause. any discomfort in female reproductive system starts with the only passage , and thats vagina. therefore if you have deep pain, well its enough knowing your vagina is art risk too.


1.            Use warm water to wash the vulva. ...

2.            The vagina cleanses itself naturally in the form of normal, vaginal discharge. ...

3.            Wear only white, 100 percent cotton underwear. ...

a woman experiencing vaginal discomfort

4.            Avoid wearing thongs.

5.            Rinse underclothes carefully after washing or double-rinse. ..

6.            Wash new underclothes before wearing.

WHEN: Washing your vagina..It's a good idea to avoid perfumed soaps, gels and antiseptics as these can affect the healthy balance of bacteria and pH levels in the vagina and cause irritation.Use plain, unperfumed soaps to wash the area around the vagina (the vulva) gently every day.The vagina will clean itself inside your body with natural vaginal secretions (discharge)."During your period, washing more than once a day may be helpful," says Dr Elneil, who points out that keeping the perineal area between the vagina and anus clean is important, too."Good perineal hygiene is necessary by washing that area at least once a day using your normal bathing routines.""All women are different," says Professor Lamont. "Some may wash with perfumed soap and not notice any problems." But if a woman has vulval irritation or symptoms, one of the first things you can do is use non-allergenic, plain soaps to see if that helps

DO NOT wash vagina with perfume to smell good. you are killing yourself!!


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